Tuesday 1 May 2012

Google Sniper and my opinion about it

I purchased the Google Sniper 2.0 recently and am working with it now, I'll let you know how it goes! I have bought a few things previously and nothing really has made proper money. So far I am quite impressed with this and will definetly keep going - more sites means more money! 

Here is my honest overview of the product and I will tell you what you'll get for your money if you choose to try it as well. The manual is really well done because all the chapters are accompanied with a video and he shows you excatly how to do it. You have an option to also buy three separate 1h videos showing you how to build the sniper site step by step. This really helped me. I actually built one just from these videos in 2 evenings!

In Chapter 1 he teaches how to find a niche and keywords you can monetize, he advises excellent parameters, which he calls his "golden" competition guidelines advising what the competition should be in Google, the number of searches etc. You'll also read about how to pick winning products.

Secondly he goes through how to set up your domain name, set up the hosting and begin with a WordPress blog. Step by step.

Chapter 3 is all about writing the content with his 20% conversion rate secrets. He writes about finding great products, which markets to aim for and which ones he had a great experience with. He has years of experience doing this and I found this information invaluable.

After the above steps I was ready to set up my site for Google. So all I did was to create a 4-5 page site with his simple to follow steps. This chapter is full of tips and advice on how to rank at the top of page one in Google and how to make the best use of my keywords.

And finally of course I cannot forget the main purpose of this site - to make money! He then goes through setting up affiliate links - he shows how to be very smart with this and as he says your actual links could actually double or half your profits!

The final chapter explains how to scale your Sniper Site into a $10,000 a month business! I am working on it and my advice to you is to try it, it is amazingly simple to follow and I love it, because I can work on it whenever I have time and when my baby is sleeping! I have learnt loads from this system and the tips he reveals are great value for money. I am sure you'll be happy with it as well, but if not he also offers a 60 day money back quarantee.

Listen to his video presentation here and decide for yourself.

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