Saturday 21 April 2012

Ten tips to becoming a millionaire

Who wants to be a millionaire? I’m sure we all do, but it‘s no use waiting for the man from the Lotto to come knocking at the door.
While there is no sure fire way to achieve financial prosperity, you will go some way to becoming the next Richard Branson if you follow these ten easy steps.

 Just wanting to be rich is not going to get you anywhere, you've got to be prepared to get off your backside and do something about it. Pick yourself up from knock backs and learn from the experience. Be positive and willing and you will go a long way towards achieving your dreams.

Write down what you want to achieve and set a deadline. Not only will this give you a focus, it will give you a yardstick to measure success. It is also important to make your goals achievable – consistently missing your targets is likely to be discouraging.

It’s all well and good having a goal, but how do you actually achieve it. Brainstorm a plan of action together and prepare for contingencies. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

It will do you no harm if you fill up your little black book with suppliers, customers and potential business partners. Establish a bond with these people and help each other out - the world will not seem such a lonely place.

If you’ve been a natural spender in the past it’s time to tighten those purses strings and be tight with your wad, especially when you’re starting out. Keep to a budget and keep a little money aside for emergencies. Do not got go splashing out on luxuries as a) you’re money could be spent more productively and b) you don’t want to be saddled with debt.

Always look out for a good deal and always haggle for anything. You have nothing to lose and you will save loads by negotiating prices down.

Once you start making money, you ought to spend it wisely as this will form the basis of making even more money. You can reinvest in your business(es) or spread your investments across other areas like property or the financial markets.

It goes without saying, to be a success you need to put in the hours - but don’t treat this as a chore. Remember all the time you are watching rubbish TV, you could be squeezing an extra bit of productivity towards your ventures. Learn how to prioritise so you can use your time effectively. But don’t over do it, especially if you have a family - they need some of your time too.

Invest your time in research and gaining expertise in what you do. When on a journey, read material that will aid you, be it research or learning. Get all the facts, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. A little knowledge goes a long way.

To be successful you need to be motivated. So make sure you’re having fun. Find the fun in your business and seek ways to let others see your enthusiasm. Someone who’s upbeat and having a good time at what they’re doing attracts customers, clients and friends... and success.

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